to the Action Coalition
The Action Coalition on Meaningful Transparency is an initiative launched under the auspices of the Danish Tech for Democracy Initiative and the corresponding year of action. It was created and funded by the Global Network Initiative. It is governed by a Steering Group of civil society organizations around the world, engaging with an Advisory Group of public and private sector representatives, and aims to foster a broad set of participants in a multistakeholder advisory coalition. You can see our terms of reference here. The Brainbox Institute serves as the ACT project lead.
The ACT aims to bring together a wide range of academics, civil society organizations, companies, governments, and international organizations to work collaboratively on digital transparency, including by:
The ACT Objectives:
clarifying relevant definitions and terminology;
mapping existing and identifying missing efforts;
sharing lessons learned;
identifying opportunities for alignment and coordination;
encouraging and supporting the participation of the majority of world actors in these efforts;
producing recommendations for companies, donors, researchers, and governments.
This work will be carried out via public and private events and workshops, one-on-one consultations, and ongoing research and dialogue, driven by the project lead. We will communicate updates publicly on the work of the ACT on a regular basis.
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Why Join ...
Why join the Action Coalition on Meaningful Transparency?
As the use of digital platforms and services expands across the globe, so too does the need to better understand how they operate and how companies and governments collect and use the data that they generate.
While no single actor or stakeholder group can solve the challenges of the digital age alone, barriers to transparency continue to prevent a deeper understanding of government and company data use and collection and inhibit collaborative approaches to address these concerns.
The Action Coalition on Meaningful Transparency (ACT) works to circumvent these barriers by identifying existing work and opportunities, socializing shared understandings and language, developing a repository of shared resources, identifying and sharing lessons learned, facilitating dialogue and trust building, and fostering collaboration.
With support from ...