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Implementing risk assessment obligations under the Digital Services Act - an ACT briefing note

Today we are releasing a briefing note on risk assessment under the European Union's Digital Services Act.

Risk management is at the core of the Digital Services Act, and a key part of this risk management approach is the requirement for very large online platforms (VLOPs) and very large online search engines (VLOSEs) to conduct assessments of the “systemic risk” stemming from the services they offer.

While there are certain risks and considerations explicitly laid out for inclusion in these assessments in the text of the DSA, much uncertainty remains about the scope of these risk assessments, what type of information they will include, what benchmarks will be used, and how they will be conducted and reported on.

The briefing document was drafted by the Brainbox Institute to inform processes and practices around risk assessments as required by the DSA, in its role as the Project Lead for the Action Coalition on Meaningful Transparency (ACT). It reflects information shared by the ACT’s members but should not be understood to speak for them.

For further information, please contact us via the website contact form, email, or sign up for the Action Coalition on Meaningful Transparency at


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