We are delighted to announce an upcoming online panel discussion featuring speakers from the Integrity Institute, Snap, Ofcom, Meta, Google, and Naver Z.
Event description
Sometimes, it's easy to assume that preparing a transparency report is as simple as exporting data from existing systems and then publishing it. But the process of preparing a transparency report is frequently much more manual. This presents barriers to transparency that need to be understood, especially as various regulators move toward enforcing transparency report obligations and preparing templates and other guidance materials.
We believe a range of audiences across the ACT and beyond would benefit from hearing from companies and regulators about what is involved in preparing a transparency report. We have also heard from new companies that they would appreciate hearing about other companies' approaches to such reports.
In this session, we'll aim to improve understanding of barriers to transparency, as well as touching on ways of mitigating those barriers. The discussion will be informed by a new discussion paper from the ACT on categorising barriers to transparency.
Sharing the process for preparing transparency reports may also help civil society and external parties to point to areas of potential improvement, or to better critically assess the reports that companies produce. This will be important as various stakeholders prepare for implementation of articles 15, 24, and 42 of the Digital Services Act in particular.
Key discussion questions:
The discussion will be shaped around the following questions.
What are key aspects of the process followed in producing a transparency report?
What kind of human and financial resources are necessary to produce a transparency report?
What do external observers tend to misunderstand about transparency reporting?
How could transparency reports be better tuned to the needs of their audiences? Who is the primary audience for a transparency report?
How are newer companies or companies with different kinds of products thinking about transparency reporting?
How can industry, government agencies, and civil society work together to produce more meaningful transparency?
What are the opportunities and challenges associated with mandatory transparency reporting?
There will be an opportunity for Q&A from attendees.
Important details
Chatham House rule (no attribution of comments)
Open invitation
Anonymised summary to be prepared for public distribution